

with Insights and Automation

Helping online merchants leverage data analytics and systems automation to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Delivering Service Orchestration, Actionable Insights and Streamlined Operations

Online merchants rely upon a multitude of order, shipping, payment and correspondence services to deliver their products.

ZealGood distills 15+ years of ecommerce experience into orchestrating services, turning data into actionable information and streamlining operations so that merchants can focus on their core business.

Service Orchestration
Actionable Insights
Streamlined Operations

Service Orchestration

Online merchants rely upon a variety of different services to facilitate their day-to-day business. This shouldn’t be a manual process that requires constant, personal attention.

Link your services so they can share data
Create workflows to automate tasks

Actionable Insights

Analyze historical and current data so you can quickly uncover actionable insights for making strategic decisions.

Spotlight performance and uncover trends
Insights into shopping patterns

Streamlined Operations

Combine your service orchestration with actionable insights to power your profits through streamlined operations.

Increased efficiency
Focused efforts on core business

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